Saturday, December 7, 2013

Thursday, October 10, 2013

A still life with a pumpkin. Just painted it morning of 10-10

Acrylic, 18" x 24"
The photo was taken with a cell phone in artificial light at night, so the colors aren't quite right.

Starting embroidering a tapestry. Second day. 10-9-2013

I'm only working on it whenever watching a movie or an educational video on youtube, so it's going to take a long time to finish it. To give you an idea of size - it is a blanket. The face is 6 1/2 inches.

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Embroidering little towels when watching movies or talking to someone

I took an old towel and cut it up into tiny towels so I can use each one only once to wipe my face. Makes for something fun to do when watching movies or listening to someone who likes to talk

Using salvaged shelf from a broken desk

I swear, the most unlikely objects make for funnest interior design materials

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Thrift stores are a great source for affordable frames

Bought three frames for 99 cents each and finally framed these ink drawings that have been laying around:

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

A monster trying to get in the window

This is actually an aloe plant behind a sheer curtain.

A leaf print on asphalt

The leaf must have been stuck solid to the spot for quite a while to make such an imprint!

A quick fix to so-called open space concept

  I just don't like the open concept kitchens. So I used the bookshelves to separate the kitchen from the living room and the dining room. Then I painted murals on the backs of the bookshelves, so I'm not looking at ugly bookshelf backs.
First I put the shelves together and painted the early evening sky:

Then I separated them and painted some clouds:
I am thinking about painting some tree tops...